Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday --A Relentless Kindness--

It is Good Friday. And all I got to say is, have you ever looked on at yourself as if on the outside of you? Like you are having a deep argument with your father. And you know that you are doing bad, but you continue anyway? We as humans have done that to our Father above. I sometimes feel like I've left my body and when I did I saw myself outside the box, and yet, I couldn't do anything. It felt as if I was pretty deep in the pit already, why should I try to get out anymore? So the pit was filling up and as I suffocating in the rain and mud I felt a hand reach out to me, and pull me out. Have you ever felt like that? The moment Jesus died he paved the way to resurrect and in doing that, he made it possible to lift us out of the dirty pit. So while in these three days of waiting, be aware of the fact that you are waiting for the second coming too, and prepare your heart for whenever it is. I am not saying that in 3 days we'll be lifted, I'm just saying prepare your heart these days, and the rest of your life!

Hand in hand with my Creator,
Mari Fahel

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Stop beating around the bush already!!

Sally here. I skipped like a whole week of the 21 day iPod shuffle challenge. O.o Don't worry though, I've still been praying all the same. And there will be 21 of these posts. :)

Today's Challenge: Come Right Out and Say It by Relient K

I think this is the toughest one I've done yet!! This song is about a girl who keeps quiet and won't tell her boyfriend what's on her mind--which is apparently something that's going to hurt him. One of my favorite songs, because most of the time it seems like people...well, just don't tell me the whole truth. They keep things to themselves and they pretend that they're OK with everything, but I can tell that they're not!

I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Why IS it that humans are just so worried about being accepted by everyone? Maybe because they want to feel important? I don't know. But they'll just endure and let problems just keep rotting and rotting and getting get worse, because that other person might get hurt. (And I get that too.) But this is a centuries-old lesson: What happens if you get a hole in your favorite pair of pants and you just leave it? Well, the hole's going to keep getting bigger and bigger until it's so big that you can't put a patch on it.

It's the same with relationships. If there's a problem, you need to say something to the other person whether it hurts them or not--because if you don't, they either A) won't even know that there's even a problem, or B) they won't know what to fix! The relationship will keep deteriorating until it's beyond repair.

There's an old word that hardly gets used anymore, because it's a quality that everybody ignores. It's "frank". No, that's not the first name of a popular emo guitarist. It means "direct and unreserved in speech; straightforward; sincere." Not ONLY are you telling the truth, but you're "coming right out and saying it." You don't try to HIDE the truth. You don't keep it to yourself.

I know there's a verse in the Bible that talks about this--something like, "If your brother has a problem, talk to him about it." If anyone knows what that verse is, please let me know in the comments, because I hate not knowing where a verse is. But anyway. This isn't just a rule of thumb--it's a rule that God made. Don't let sleeping dogs lie in a relationship. FIX IT, or you'll regret it later.

Faith in Jesus--

21 Day iPod Shuffle Challenge

I am taking on a challenge that my best friend, Sally Kurtie is doing on Kingdom Commandos! Go here to see the blog! :3

Have you ever seen miracles happen right before your eyes? I'm sure you have! For some it is the day they first lay eyes on a baby who wasn't supposed to live. For others it is the healing that took place right before their eyes. For me it is both. I still believe that God brings people back to life. If He so wishes He could prevent a death. So, if you have faith in the God of Miracles, He will bring to your eyes miracles small or big. If you walk with Him in the Wilderness, there will be gardens on your way through it. Even if you don't believe that there is such thing as "big miracles" such as bringing people back to life, you can't deny that there has been people on this Earth awakened from that deep "forever" sleep. You need to open your eyes and ears, and shut your mouth at some point to see the miracles of God!

We are saved by grace through faith-- On wattpad I saw a question on the Spiritual Genre saying: "What is faith and what is believing????" and I replied:

"Faith and Belief go hand in hand. You know those games some kids play where you fall into the arms of someone? Faith is the act of trusting that when you fall into this person's arms they won't let you fall. Believing in someone is almost the same thing as it is believing that the person CAN do it. So basically when you say "I have faith in God" You are saying that you KNOW in your heart that he WILL save you. And believing in him is when you KNOW in your heart he CAN."

What is faith and what is believing????

Remember these words and God will (and has preformed) preform miracles in your life and maybe even through you!

~Mari Fahel~

Friday, March 16, 2012

Who am I?

21 Day iPod Shuffle Challenge

I am taking on a challenge that my best friend, Sally Kurtie is doing on Kingdom Commandos! Go here to see the blog! :3

There are plenty of people who look at themselves and say "I wish I could be anyone but me!" But I must ask, why not you? Not only are you experiencing life with it's beautiful moments and memories, you are God's beloved child. He created you for a purpose and it is certainly not to sit around moping about how you don't cut it! "But, I have so many problems, God couldn't use me! I'm not worth it!" you may say. But, look at some of the Apostles! Simon Peter denied Christ! Paul tried to kill off Christ's people! And there are much more people out there that he used! How are you any different? He is working wonders in your life, all you got to do is let him and look through His eyes!

God does not despise the broken heart, he uplifts it as a father places his child on his shoulder! Let him be with you! He loves you more than you could imagine! Not only ask Him to tell you who you are, let Him say what He means, some people will ask God "Who am I?" and He'll tell them and they'll shrug it of saying "I can't be that! You are mistaken!" Look God isn't EVER mistaken, it's just that you don't truly want Him to say "You are my Beloved." Allow Him, He truly loves you!!!!

~Mari Fahel~

Thursday, March 15, 2012

After a long Abandonedment--

--The Prodigal Co-Host has returned!!!! x3

I've come to re-post an entry from my devotional blog!!!

21 Day iPod Shuffle Challenge

I am taking on a challenge that my best friend, Sally Kurtie is doing on Kingdom Commandos! Go here to see the blog (Where I posted this)! :3

Suicide is one of those things that is suffered through a lot with those who are hurt or depressed. The only way we (those who are suicidal) know how to relieve it, is to cause pain outwardly. But it never lasts as long as we wish for self-injuring is a dangerous merry-go-round we go on often. We hurt to relieve ourselves of our depression then depression follows suit one after another every time we do so. A lot of Christians would say to commit suicide is an unforgivable sin, but how, may I ask, is killing yourself blaspheming against the Holy Spirit? Yes, that is the ONLY unforgivable sin out there. What God says to his people in there time of need is written plainly in the Bible SEEK the Kingdom of God and ALL these things shall be added unto you!

We ask for love, peace, joy and every ounce of patience that had escaped us. But never have we thought that God is testing us and what does a teacher do when his students are in a test? They are quiet!!!! But I swear to you, it is "Worth the Pain" during the night of our worst fears and agonizing cries, God is waiting with us until the Sun rises and he can open his arms in greeting of the new day he has brought us!

~Mari Fahel~

Thursday, March 8, 2012

He'll never go

The 21 Day iPod Shuffle Challenge
If you come to the TinyChat meetings on The Endtime Tribune, you know that my dad talks a lot about the 21-day "prayer fast," where you pray about one thing and one thing only for 21 days. Well, I'm taking that challenge myself. But to add to that, I have a hard time having faith that God will even answer my prayers--ya know, cuz God does whatever He wants to. So I have to work on my faith the same time I'm praying for 21 days, so that I have the determination to keep that covenant. The way I'm going to do it is the 21-day iPod Shuffle Challenge--something I came up with myself.

A lot of the time, I'm praying for an answer and I ask God to give me that answer through a song. I just grab my mp3 player and put it on shuffle, and whatever song that comes up--be it a love song or a praise song--is supposed to answer my question somehow. Does it work? Well, sometimes. A few times I think God's sense of humor has kicked in and He gives me a song that has nothing to do with what I'm asking about. Well, for the next 21 days, once a day I'll put my mp3 player on Shuffle and think of a Christian lesson that goes with that song!

Today's Challenge: Already Over by Red

There's times in our life when we just want to block God out and push Him out of our lives. We just want to do whatever we want to do, or maybe He didn't "come through" on something we prayed about. We ignore him and we live our lives on our own. The thing of it is, God's not going to just walk away! He doesn't give up on you, like a friend or even a family member might when we deliberately tell them to leave. This song talks about how God will never go. He's all around us. Once He gets through to you, He doesn't stop calling--kind of like an annoying person who keeps your phone ringing off the hook after you give him your phone number. 

God never gives up on us, no matter how much we want Him to go away. He's stubborn that way. After all, He created you! So He'll just keep on bugging you and bugging you until you give in again and realize that the fight was already over since the beginning. He owns you, all of you, so why don't you stop fighting Him and let Him take care of you?

A world without God is a world without love

The 21 Day iPod Shuffle Challenge
If you come to the TinyChat meetings on The Endtime Tribune, you know that my dad talks a lot about the 21-day "prayer fast," where you pray about one thing and one thing only for 21 days. Well, I'm taking that challenge myself. But to add to that, I have a hard time having faith that God will even answer my prayers--ya know, cuz God does whatever He wants to. So I have to work on my faith the same time I'm praying for 21 days, so that I have the determination to keep that covenant. The way I'm going to do it is the 21-day iPod Shuffle Challenge--something I came up with myself.

A lot of the time, I'm praying for an answer and I ask God to give me that answer through a song. I just grab my mp3 player and put it on shuffle, and whatever song that comes up--be it a love song or a praise song--is supposed to answer my question somehow. Does it work? Well, sometimes. A few times I think God's sense of humor has kicked in and He gives me a song that has nothing to do with what I'm asking about. Well, for the next 21 days, once a day I'll put my mp3 player on Shuffle and think of a Christian lesson that goes with that song!

Today's Challenge: Love Hate (On and On) by Disciple

This song has been stuck in my head ever since it started playing on my mp3 player this morning. Most of the lyrics copy my own thoughts. It talks about how some--in fact, most--of the world is filled with hate. Mothers kill their own children (yes I mean abortion), sons fight with their fathers, parents beat their children beyond need or reason, teenagers are forced to endure a life of brutal harrassment, innocence is stolen from little children before they can even understand what they're doing. Everyone is born into evil, especially in a day and age where lust and money take precedence over love.

Remember the verse in the Bible, "God is love"? In a world where God is hated and spurned, there is very little love. Sure, you meet someone every once in a while who would give their very life for the people they love. But it's SO RARE. Love, along with God, has been practically burned at stake. People think it's stupid to love someone unconditionally, to let them walk all over you.

Most people don't even know about love. Jesus is the only one who can bring the light of love into their dark souls. The job is given to YOU to show them some of that love, and Jesus will take it from there. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself? Are you up to it? No, it's not easy to love. It's not easy at all. But we're Christians--and that also means we are warriors. Help Jesus stop the hate--you are His tool here on earth.